Here is a link to John Cougar Mellencamps nostalgic take on the music industry.It is worthy reading,revealing the filth inside and around the music industry.I am blogging this for the sake of the young,inspired and "stars in their eyes" songwriters,singers and players out there.Maybe this will be somewhat of an intelligent eye opener for them.And lets not forget,there are many income avenues for the above,not just rock star status!I do tend to agree with Brian Austin Whitney of Just Plain Folks.Mellencamp's view is a bit nostalgic in the sense that,the music industry has always been full of crooks and thieves.Yea,i am sure there are some good out there,but very little,i am sure.The greed,like with Wall Street is rampid in the music industry also.Here is an excerpt from Mellencamps article and then an excerpt from Brian Austin Whitney,i tend to agree with him.
...Mellencamp...Over the last few years, we have all witnessed the decline of the music business, highlighted by finger-pointing and blame directed against record companies, artists, internet file sharing and any other theories for which a case could be made. We've read and heard about the "good old days" and how things used to be. People remember when music existed as an art that motivated social movements. Artists and their music flourished in back alleys, taverns and barns until, in some cases, a popular groundswell propelled it far and wide. These days, that possibility no longer seems to exist. After 35 years as an artist in the recording business, I feel somehow compelled, not inspired, to stand up for our fellow artists and tell that side of the story as I perceive it. Had the industry not been decimated by a lack of vision caused by corporate bean counters obsessed with the bottom line, musicians would have been able to stick with creating music rather than trying to market it as well.People remember when music existed as an art that motivated social movements.
...Whitney...If you're like me, you probably were agreeing with much of what he was saying at first. But then, after I finished, I realized this was a case of 2 things happening, both of which are misleading and misguided. First, he has a massive political ax to grind. Second, he's got a bad case of nostalgia.
What he conveniently seems to have forgotten is that the music industry has always been a haven for corruption and cheating and evil. It's a place where starry eyed people with talent dare to venture and where plenty of big bad wolves are waiting to feast on them.
The bottom line,to me, is this...Write,record,play,sing and publish your music for the love and enjoyment of it.....Greg
John Mellencamp: On My Mind: The State of the Music Business
... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-mellencamp/on-my-mind-the-state-of-t_b_177836.html
... http://www.mellencamp.com/
JPF... a great site for the independent musician,join up...
... http://www.jpfolks.com/home.html
...older post done here that may be of interest to you, on this subject...
... http://guitaranswers.blogspot.com/2008/04/dealrecord-deal-that-is.html
... http://guitaranswers.blogspot.com/2008/06/greed-with-no-balls.html
... http://guitaranswers.blogspot.com/2008/09/people-want-music-for-free.html
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