Saturday, January 5, 2013

Here Are Six Tips On Getting Your Music Played On T.V.

Here are some good tips on getting your hard spent time/songs on tv,and getting payed!It's a tough door to open,but you can through consistency and hard work.I have done music for radio/jingles and tv commercials so it can be done.That ALWAYS HELPS TO HAVE THAT CONNECTION!That only comes from hard P.R. work....and of course "good material"!
A good article over at American Songwriters web site

Six Ways To Get Your Music On TV

By Andy Lykens November 8th, 2012 at 11:55 am

First, I’d like to thank everyone who has written in and asked me questions. Keep them coming! Please keep in mind if you’re just asking me stuff that you can easily find out by using Goog le, it is unlikely I’ll be very helpful in my answer (which might literally be “Google It”). Blow me away with your requests and I’ll blow you away with my answers!

That said, I did have a general question from Erin Hill and her Psychedelic Harp (which is pretty cool I must say) that serves as a great jumping off point for some action on your part:

How do I even get my stuff considered for commercials?

The short answer to this question is “hit the pavement.” Luckily, I’m going to give you the long answer too!

There are several options when it comes to getting your music in front of people who consistently license music. Here are just a few ideas to help get you started:

1) Contact them directly – on


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