Sunday, August 1, 2010

Interview: Steve Howe on Asia's "Omega," Touring With Yes, and the Steve Howe Trio

In an age when maxed-out Marshalls supercharged Fender Strats to the point of electrocution and skull implosion, Steve Howe did something different. He got great woody guitar tones—you could always hear the wood of the guitars through his amps. The unforgiving sound of a Gibson ES-175 played through a cranked amp is reserved only for the superbly talented. While his peers pillaged electric blues as a vehicle for extrapolation and blues lick overkill, Howe did something different yet again. He brought country, jazz, rockabilly, and a smart, classy sophistication to Yes. He found a way of expressing himself by tastefully mixing the guitar styles he loved, and has been raising the bar and influencing guitarists for forty years.... read on @

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