Sunday, December 13, 2009

Learning and PlayingThe Modes...Part 3

A holiday greeting to all and an apology to all for no recent post!I have been hampered from a host of computer and online problems!!!I don't even want to get started on all that has happened,needless to say,"when it rains it pours".
Anyway,hope all a happy and safe holiday.
OK...this is the wrap up lesson on the modes.You have had plenty of time to learn and get familiar with the earlier two postings on modes.And the last two of the 7 modes are....drum roll please :-)...the Aeolian mode and the Locrian mode.
The Aeolian mode is just a minor scale.In the key we are working in/A,it is the same as a C Major scale.But with the root note being an A it is as follows...
1-2-b3-4-5-6-b7-1(8) or A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A ...easy enough huh :-).
This mode is used when playing a minor or minor 7th chord/Am or Am7.And in a chord progression,it would be a change going from Am to Dm.So you have it on the Aeolian mode,very easy....

And now,the final and last mode,the Locrian.This is a very dark mode,and not used much by the average guitarist.But by jazzers,it is used quite often.This mode is used on top of a minor seven flat five chord...m7b5.
It's formula is 1-b2-b3-4-b5-b6-b7-1(8) or A-Bb-C-d-Eb-F-G-A
The main stand out notes are the b3,b5 and b7.So when creating a lick,consider this...

I do hope the three lessons on Modes have given some insight into what they are and have provided some knowledge into how to apply them.'s good to be back :-)
...Part 2,The Modes...
...Part 1,The modes...

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