Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ten Miles Davis Tips for Guitarists - Premier Guitar

Here is a great set of tips Miles Davis applied for himself,but can be used by guitarist as well.We all know the beauty and complexity of Miles Davis.This is some great stuff,and to get the details of each,browse on over to a great guitar site,Premier Guitar,to read them...
Ten Miles Davis Tips for Guitarists
1. Play Lyrically

2. Experiment with Boundaries

3. Appreciate the Ballad

4. Don’t Dwell on the Past

5. Utilize Non-Notes

6. Consider the Art of Spontaneity

7. Be a Talent Scout

8. Regard Music as “In the Moment”

9. Share What Fascinates You

10. Be Like Sinatra

Premier Guitar...
Miles at MySpace...

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