Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cool Audio On New and Cool Music Equipment

Listen to gear reviews, interviews and news at
Very informative audio on new and cool gear that was at the NAMM 2009 show.Some of the topics are:
Joe and Chris are back from California with the scoop on new gear and hot boutique amps from AES and the L.A. Amp Show
Joe Satriani Talks Touring and Gear
posted 08/18/2008
In this interview with Joe Satriani, we cover his insane touring schedule; working with Leslie West, Corky Lainge and Mountain; and his new Vox pedal.
5 Acoustic Builders You Should Know
posted 06/15/2008
Adam is once again joined by James as your hosts learn about 5 unique builders in the acoustic world.
Beyond Boutique
posted 05/30/2008
Pete Skermetta is on the line to talk with Adam and Joe about all that goes into being a one-man guitar builder.
All About Cables
posted 05/14/2008
Adam and Joe return to the studio and are joined by Dan Berkowitz, "The Dean of the Blues Bass," to discuss cables past and present.
...So check it all out at Premier Guitar on line:

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