Saturday, December 13, 2008

Danny Gatton Must Knows and Sees

This is a great link to an article about Danny Gatton and toys or should i say weapons of choice!From the playing techniques to his equipment.A BIG thanks goes to Ralph Heibutzki over at
Things You’ll Need: * Beer bottle (for slide guitar work) Charlie Christian guitar pickups Danny Gatton albums Danny Gatton instructional videos Echoplex unit Fender Dynamax strings (.010 to 0.46) Fender heavyweight picks Fender Tweed Twin amplifier Gibson L-5 Gibson Les Paul Gibson Les Paul Custom Hammond Leslie cabinet Joe Barden guitar pickups 1953 Fender Telecaster Vibrolux Reverb amplifier
This is really good reading!
***And did i mention Danny Gatton playing slide with a beer bottle then playing with a towel video :-)...
Danny Gatton - Strictly Rhythm Guitar ...$amp;sort=$amp;

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