Thursday, November 6, 2008

Review On The... Carvin X-100B Amplifier & Cabinet

I personally think you get a lot of bang for the buck over at Carvin,so check them out!
This is the Carvin X-100B,it is a reissue and it got good reviews,so read on.The review was over at Premier Guitar,a cool and informative ezine.
The Specs...
The front panel, from left to right, starts with controls for Power; Standby/Operate; Lead/Rhythm EQ selector switch; and a five band graphic with shelving frequencies for 75, 150, 500, 1.5 and 3K bands with a range of plus or minus 18 db. This is followed by Reverb, Presence, Treble, Middle and Bass tone controls. Next, we have an overall Master volume with a FS Boost mini toggle switch. A Lead master volume follows with another mini toggle for Gain boost. Lead Drive and a mini toggle for channel selection and a Rhythm volume with a bright mini switch finishes up the front control plate. The guitar input jack is located on the right side of this on

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