Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quick Music Fact....Fretboards and Moisturizing

I got a quick tip on rosewood and ebony fretboards.First,the wood tends to dry out,so the wood needs to be moisturized.This can be done with Lemon oil that does not contain wax!The brand Formbys is good.
Here is a little info on fretboard types and material...
The woods used for fingerboards on guitars and string instruments vary, and each possesses its own distinct sound and feel. Many guitars possess a maple neck and a maple fingerboard existing as one piece of wood. This construction is well known in Fender guitars, and many players swear that the sound of the maple fretboard in conjunction with the maple neck possesses a brighter, more cohesive sound and sustain than models that have a maple neck and a fretboard made of a different wood, namely rosewood. Rosewood is a very popular wood because of its brighter, more pronounced attack when compared to maple fretboards. Rosewood is often paired with necks made of maple or mahogany. Gibson is well known for its ebony fretboards that are paired with the mahogany-necked SG or Les Paul signature guitars. Ebony is the wood used for fingerboards of violins and other string instruments. As ebony is the densest of the three woods most often used (rosewood, maple, and ebony), it stands out as having the brightest sound and most articulated attack. Other materials used in fretboard construction are graphite and carbon fiber composite.... Austin Music Store Articles ... http://www.straitmusic.com/2008/03/guitar-fretboard-construction-and.html

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