Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Top 15 Albums For Women

Hum...this is a subjective subject for sure!I read this guys list over at Yahoo,and wow,he must have been born recently or maybe did in home schooling,i don't know!The ONLY older listing was Jefferson Starship!There were many factors invovled in his decision making.,maybe even a particular beginning date!Lets see now,The Dixie Chicks were listed twice,along with Britney Spears,Mariah Carey and Shania Twain....PA...Lease...How about Gladys Knight or Pat Benetar or Sade or Karen Carpenter or Dolly Pardon.Hey,some of these are my favs,some are not,but i think they have a place,they immediately come to mind as far as popularity!Go check out the list,come back and give me your suggestions.And WHY even list a singer more than once,when there are only a total of 15......
...Pictures....left,right,center and bottom,are...Pat Benetar,Sade,Gladys Knight and Karen Carpenter

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