Monday, July 28, 2008

The Almighty... Bar Chord

Ha everyone...i am going to talk about the almighty bar chord.Mighty because once you learn the shape,it can be played up and down the neck without the worry of an open string changing the sound,hence,movable!If you can play a C chord,it can be a start to learning the bar chord.The shapes are very similar.And viewing chords as shapes helps the memorization process.So,that is why i mention the C chord,it is very similar.If you just view a chart of chords,you will be able to see other chord shapes as similar to one another.I always show my students the 4th string root bar chord first,it is the foundation for the 6th string root form or shape.The chord type is called a bar because that is what your first finger is doing,barring 2 strings,or playing 2 notes at the same time on two different strings.I have a diagram above showing what notes to play.The first diagram shows all 6 strings being played,but,the 4th string root bar chord will be the green notes only,4 strings played(diagram 1 says 6 string root,but when only green notes are played,it is a 4th string root).This is called a 4th string root bar chord,the root note F.Try and form the bar,with your first finger,first,then form the rest of the chord.You may have to twist your wrist to the left to make it easier to form the bar,or complete chord.Now remember to play only 4 strings!Now move the shape or chord up the fretboard and then back down to where you started(bar on first fret).That is why we call it a movable shape,there are no open strings involved.Now once you get comfortable playing this shape,move on to the 6th string root bar chord.Instead of barring 2 strings or notes,with your first finger,you bar all 6 strings,all on fret 1.This is called a 6th string root bar chord,the root note F is on the 6th string,first fret.Try moving it up the neck and back down,a little harder.Then release the chord and then form it again,this will help you memorize,and your fingers adjust to the shape.Next lesson,we will talk about the minor bar chord.

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