Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rolling Stones..100 Greatest Guitar Songs..List

This always spawns debates from guitarist around the world!I just look at the list as a general reference for good guitar oriented songs,the choice is really a personal one,yours!I checked the list and some artist i was not even familiar with!But for the most part, i had heard the songs and knew them well,too well probably!You know the drill...had listened,then learned,then performed the song a ziilion times at performances!If the song was a "bullet" ,the bands would learn it before it got really high on the charts,in preparation for the "request" of it!Yea,you somewhat,get a disliking to the songs you played so so many times in the past!And along with the list,it has video and audio for each song,cool!Anyway...the number one is..............
Joe Perry said to Rolling Stone..."If you want to play rock & roll," Joe Perry told Rolling Stone in 2004, "you have to start here." Recorded 50 years ago, on January 6th, 1958, at the Chess Records studio in Chicago, Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" was the first great record about the joys and rewards of playing rock & roll guitar. It also has the single greatest rock & roll intro: a thrilling blast of high twang driven by Berry's spearing notes, followed by a rhythm part that translates a boogie-woogie piano riff for the guitar. "He could play the guitar just like a-ringing a bell," Berry sings in the first verse — a perfect description of his sound and the reverberations still running through every style of rock guitar, from the Beatles and the Stones on down. "It was beautiful, effortless, and his timing was perfection," Keith Richards has said of Berry's playing. "He is rhythm man supreme." Berry wrote often about rock & roll and why it's good for you — "Roll Over Beethoven" in 1956, "Rock and Roll Music" in '57 — but never better than in "Johnny B. Goode," a true story about how playing music on a guitar can change your life forever.

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