Monday, April 7, 2008

Recording Electric/Acoustic Guitar....simplified

I did an earlier post on recording guitar..., ,it goes more in depth than this post.This post deals more with the,mics,and mic placement.
Recording the electric guitar is a pretty straight forward process...good guitar,good amp...hum...a good player,and some basic knowledge of recording,mic(s),the placement of them and just plain 'ol time for testing,which can be fun.Along the way of testing or experimenting,you try and capture the sound you hear in your head and also,you may also discover new sounds that hopefully will be usable for other projects down the road.There is a good article in Electronic Musician,online magazine,covering the basics of recording the electric and acoustic guitar.The jest of it covers these things...
miking guitar amps-a Shure SM57
nothing sounds as good as a tube amp turned up to 10
room sound is the other ingredient necessary for obtaining a full-bodied guitar track
almost any microphone will strike gold once you find the right spot for it
Sennheiser MD 421 and 441 and the Shure Beta 58 (which has a fuller sound than the SM57
three to six inches from the grille cloth
moving the mic closer to the amp provides more definition, increased highs and lows, and less room sound
pointing the mic at the center of the cone will yield more active highs and better transient detail but fewer lows
capturing the airy, percussive sound of the plectrum strumming or picking the electric guitar's strings-either in acoustic isolation or combined with the ambient sound from the amp-and then mixing this sound with the recorded amplifier sound
the key to capturing any kind of ambient tracks is a good reverberant space
....the article

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