Saturday, January 12, 2008


It's back.....the NAMM(North American Music Manufactures trade show) show.For those who do not know what this's the musicians ultimate "candy store"!There is booth after booth after booth, of all the music companies in the world,yes,world,showcasing their product(s)...Fender,Gibson,M-audio,Roland,Apogee,Taylor,Neve,Mackie,Soundcraft,Yamaha,Neuman,you name it,if they are anybody,they will have a booth at the NAMM show.And if that's not enough,there will be world class players,engineers and celebaties demoing the instruments/equipment!And if you are lucky,you can go to some of the private showings at one of the rooms...concerts,more demos....the celebaties.It is the ultimate place to be for musicians/engineers/anyone that is a part of the music industry.
...this ones only for dealers/music industry people ,it's starts this weekend in Anaheim,California,but you can get a glimpse into this great annual event...
..Your Guide to NAMM Show Concerts, Events, Celebrity Appearances and More!.

Come back for updates on this incredible event

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