Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gibsons New "Robot" Guitar

I got a recent email from a friend and he provided me a link to a Gibson guitars page.To say the least it was an interesting link.It appears Gibson is soon to release a Les Paul style guitar with auto tuning,different preset tunings(including Jimmy Page and other guitarist,,yes more,an auto intonation adjustment.I have seen something similiar in the past that tunes your guitar automatically,BUT,it was a seperate device and hand held.But,on the Gibson robot guitar,all is built into the guitar....hum.There are several videos showing this in action...pretty cool.I like the auto tunings that are more or less "presets" that are set for different songs by different well known guitarist.Really,i guess,this is geared toward the more beginner to intermediate guitarist.And there is a competition to,i guess,win one of these robot Gibsons.You simply submit a personal video to Gibson,and the ones i saw were cool,and the winner gets a "First Run Limited Edition Gibson Robot Guitar".And,of course,these videos have been showing up on is the link to the Gibson robot guitar.This link takes you to a demonstration/manual.And don't forget to check out the submitted videos,they are cool and funny!

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